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‘God, Grades & Graduation’

Author explains her book about the “surprising” academic success of religious students.

A Test-Prep Person’s Analysis

Ben Paris offers his take on the new SAT.

Ethical College Admissions: The SAT’s New Format

Jim Jump likes some things, but he also has a question.

The Week in Admissions News

Cal State to follow UC on test blind; new study of economic mobility; mistakenly awarded scholarships; a fake university; basic income for low-income students.

Coalition Plans New Application

It is also changing its technology partner.

More Support for COVID-19–Affected Professors

Two years into the pandemic, Stanford University is offering junior faculty members another pretenure year or an additional quarter of research leave, plus childcare and research grants. Will other institutions follow suit?

A Clear Divide for the Supreme Court

In taking the affirmative action cases involving Harvard and UNC Chapel Hill, the Supreme Court will decide whether colleges can consider race in admissions. The advice on what to do is already pouring in.

A Radical Approach to Who Gets In

Report by NACAC and NASFAA calls for major changes in the systems used to admit and award aid to students. Failure to do so, the report says, will perpetuate racial inequity.