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A New Look at the Impact of Diversity

Major scholarly study finds positive impacts from having roommates from different backgrounds -- and negative impacts from being members of groups largely of one race or ethnicity.

The Bubble That Didn't Burst

Jess H. Lord, dean of admissions and financial aid at Haverford College, says that "up until Friday I've been telling...

Building a Better Admissions Test

Berkeley project finds that LSAT doesn't predict success as a lawyer, but other tests -- on which female and minority students score as well as white men -- do.

Redefining the Gender Gap

New research tries to shift discussion beyond enrollment rates to the actual experience of male and female students in college.

Is Affirmative Action in Decline or Out of Control?

Dueling studies arrive -- one seeing colleges moving away from consideration of race and one drawing attention to the use of race.

A Crack in the Dominance of the LSAT?

U. of Michigan will admit a small number of law students without the normal standardized test. Some see a significant shift. Some see an effort to game the rankings. Michigan sees neither.

After the SAT Report, What Next?

At admissions officers' meeting, study suggesting more skepticism of standardized tests is widely praised. Authors debate next steps while more colleges show interest in going test-optional.

Creating the Anti-Rankings

Organizer of campaign against U.S. News gives admissions officers preview of system that seeks to make the search for a college educational and to put the emphasis on learning, not prestige.