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Probe of Extra Help for Men

U.S. Civil Rights Commission starts inquiry into admissions edge that some colleges may give male applicants -- and questions of whether Title IX enforcement affects decisions on attracting students.

Competitiveness Reconsidered

Perception that it's harder to get into college is true only at small minority of institutions, study finds -- over past decades, about half of colleges became much easier to get into.

More Testing, Less Logic?

GMAT, the dominant test in MBA admissions, is being used in hiring decisions. This violates standards set by the business school group that sponsors the test, but it takes no action.

Admissions Flexibility

Survey finds modest declines in number of colleges that place great weight on formulaic measures of academic achievement and potential.

Out-of-State Dreams

Can more non-resident students (who pay higher tuition) balance budgets of flagship universities? A growing number of institutions think so. Some experts doubt the plans will work; others fear a shift in values.

The Social Media Maze

Colleges are eager to leverage Facebook and Twitter to boost recruiting and fund raising, but many still don't have a coherent strategy for how to do it.

U.S. Decline or a Flawed Measure?

New version of British rankings of universities worldwide suggests that American dominance is eroding, but is the methodology meaningful? Is Berkeley really No. 39?

Class Advantage

Scholar links the continuing economic divides in enrollments to the "adaptation" skills of the upper classes and the availability of spaces.