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Striving for Educational Equity

WASHINGTON -- Six years after they were first published, the data that Anthony Carnevale and Stephen J. Rose produced showing...

Too Young for College?

Anastasia Megan, a 13-year-old Florida girl who has nearly completed her high-school curriculum via homeschooling, tried to take dual-enrollment courses...

Online, Christian Students

The question facing universities looking to compete in the booming market for online higher education is not so much how...

Private Counselors, Policing Themselves

The number of families hiring private counselors to advise them on the college application process continues to grow, with one...

3-Year Degrees? Not So Fast

As hot higher education ideas go, the three-year bachelor's degree continues to get a lot of attention and praise. Most...

From Taboo to Hot Topic

In higher education, change rarely happens quickly. Not so when it comes to hiring overseas agencies -- paid by the...

Shift for Education Conservancy

One of the values of the Education Conservancy -- a group committed to reforming college admissions -- is that "students...

Curbing Boasts About Test Prep

The Princeton Review, a leading test-prep company, has agreed to stop using claims about average score gains in its marketing...