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Stanford Adds Alumni Interviews

Until now, the university has been unusual among elite colleges in not having graduates meet applicants. Why is it changing now?

Admissions Summer

For many private colleges, creating first-year class is far from over. Sewanee finds success with its tuition cut.

Missed Opportunity

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights should have pursued its inquiry into alleged bias against female applicants to college, writes Richard Whitmire.

Some Unpretentious Bragging

Whitman promotes its "unpretentious Northwest culture" as reason to enroll. But is advertising that feature a bit ... pretentious?

More Grad Students Eyeing U.S.

The rate of increase for international graduate student applications to U.S. institutions (sharply up) stays stable, but last year's gap between China and all other sending countries closes slightly.

The Other 'Summer Melt' in Admissions

"Summer melt" -- referring to those students who commit to enroll at a given college but then don't do so...

Revamping MCAT and Pre-Med Education

Panel proposes major overhaul: adding social sciences, killing the writing section and opening the way for consideration of personal qualities.

Is There a Price for Inclusiveness?

Syracuse U. sees dramatic gains in enrollment of low-income students, but critics worry about a rising admission rate.