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Inappropriate Question?

Common Application wants to let colleges ask applicants to name other places they are applying to. Some admissions leaders believe this violates ethics guidelines and will encourage more gaming of the system.

Starbucks Doubles College Effort

Coffee giant extends its tuition program so that it covers four full years. McDonald's provides details of its much smaller plan.

Northeastern U. at Silicon Valley

Northeastern U. unveils it latest branch campus -- a network of hubs hosted by companies in Silicon Valley. Future expansions may see the university going abroad.

Private College Enrollments

"Private College Enrollments: Needs, Numbers, Solutions" is our latest compilation of articles. As with other such print-on-demand booklets, the compilation...

Marketing Lessons From Sweet Briar

Robert M. Moore writes that it's never been more important for colleges to look at what the research says about strategies and enrollment trends.

The Cost of Agents

British universities are paying more in commissions to recruit international students.

Excluding Iranian Students

New policy at UMass barring Iranians from some science and engineering programs raises concerns and questions about universities responsibilities' under U.S. sanctions.

In Texas, Questioning Powers

An investigation of the University of Texas at Austin finds the president likely swayed admissions decisions to aid well-connected applicants. Everybody does it, President Bill Powers said.