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Students of color on a college campus

Yale Reaches Agreement on Affirmative Action Case

Students for Fair Admissions dropped its lawsuit against the university after Yale agreed to make significant changes to its admissions policies.

Students with suitcases, pillows and boxes walk next to a columned building on a college campus.

Boosting Enrollment Against the Odds

The future is bleak for many small private colleges and regional public universities. But some have seen record growth in the past few years—so what’s their secret?

A graduation cap with the word "SCHOLARSHIP" written on it atop a spread of $100 bills.

Courting Wealthy Students

The failure of colleges to expand access for students of color can’t be blamed solely on the Supreme Court—rather, it’s a result of colleges’ own aid choices, Mike Nylund writes.

A young Black man making eye contact with an older white man against an orange background

College Admission Gets Personal

Between advancements in AI and the end of affirmative action, the traditional application process is more fraught than ever. Some colleges are trying a radical strategy: meeting students face-to-face.

A crowd of students and visitors hold their hands up at Asbury University's chapel as someone preaches from a podium with a large blue cross.

An Enrollment Spike at Asbury University

A two-week prayer revival on campus attended by tens of thousands drew national attention to the university, but administrators say it isn’t the sole cause of the enrollment spike.

Catherine Lhamon holds a microphone while speaking in front of a blue Center for American Progress background.

Rights Chief Calls for ‘Coalition of the Willing’ on Campus Diversity

Catherine Lhamon said Tuesday that the Supreme Court decision on race-conscious admissions is an opportunity to reconsider how colleges recruit and retain diverse classes.

A red and yellow discount label, reading "55% Off."

Time to Get Real About Tuition

The high-tuition, high-discount model is no longer serving most private colleges—or higher education as a whole, David Bushman writes.

A photo of students walking on the UC Santa Cruz campus

UC Santa Cruz’s Admissions Gamble

The university admitted a record number of students this year despite a tight local housing market. But in the end, officials expect to increase head count by only about 730 students.