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University of California Faulted on Admissions Exceptions

System lacks discipline in documenting exceptions to the rules, audit finds.
Illustration of students at desks

4 More Colleges Drop Testing for Admissions

The trend continues with Bellarmine, Clarkson College, Suffolk and St. Thomas of Minnesota.

The ‘Missing Middle’ at Ivy-Plus Colleges

A new report finds the middle class is heavily underrepresented at elite private colleges -- and boosting low- and middle-income student representation at such colleges could increase U.S. income mobility.

Effort to Increase Pell Enrollment Slows

Initiative aimed at increasing Pell-eligible student enrollment at high-performing colleges is doing well. But a sudden plateau in progress shows hard choices colleges may need to make to move forward.

And Then There Was One

With decision by Harvey Mudd, only MIT requires all students to submit SAT Subject Tests. And MIT is looking at its policy.

A Free Course for Admitted Applicants

Loyola New Orleans has an unusual approach to yield.

The Week in Admissions News

Coronavirus's impact on enrollment; international enrollments; character counts; Concordia Portland's closure.