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Donna Shalala was upset in her re-election bid on Tuesday.

She has been the U.S. representative for Florida's 27th congressional district. But she lost her re-election bid to Maria Elvira Salazar, a former TV journalist.

Shalala was Bill Clinton's secretary of health and human services. She has also led Hunter College, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and the University of Miami.

Shalala only served a single term in the House, but she had influence with the Democratic leadership because of her background.

She conceded to Salazar with this statement, The Miami Herald reported: “I want to congratulate my opponent. It has been a spirited campaign. It has been a great honor to represent the people of Miami-Dade. I have fought for issues that matter most to our families, from access to affordable healthcare, to tackling climate change, to justice for all and a better future for our children.”



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