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The following colleges have announced their commencement speakers for spring 2016:

  • Allegheny College: Michael Beschloss, the historian.
  • Atlanta Technical College: Lisa J. Smith, region manager for Georgia Power’s Metro South Region.
  • Bronx Community College of City University of New York: U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.
  • Daemen College: Yvonne S. Boice, a businesswoman and philanthropist; and John R. Yurtchuk, chairman and owner of Calspan Corp.
  • Hunter College of City University of New York: Arianna Huffington, co-founder, president and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group.
  • Mills College: Sylvia Earle, the deep sea explorer and marine biologist.
  • Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine: Kathleen Sebelius, former U.S. secretary of health and human services.
  • Nunez Community College: Erika McConduit-Diggs, president and CEO of the Urban League of Greater New Orleans.
  • Occidental College: Randall Kennedy, the Michael R. Klein Professor of Law at Harvard University.
  • Ringling College of Art and Design: Mark Ruffalo, the actor.
  • St. Catherine University, in Minnesota: Haben Girma, lawyer at Disability Rights Advocates; and others.
  • University of Southern Maine: George Mitchell, the former U.S. senator.
  • Washington & Jefferson College: U.S. Representative John Lewis.

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