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The following colleges and universities have announced their commencement speakers for spring 2015:

  • Albright College: Scott Weidensaul, the naturalist and author.
  • Alma College: Kimberly Taylor, a senior executive with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
  • Colby College: Robert Redford, the actor and filmmaker.
  • Eckerd College: Thomas H. Kean, former New Jersey governor.
  • Excelsior College: Beverly Malone, chief executive officer of the National League for Nursing.
  • Middlebury College: Julia Alvarez, the novelist and poet.
  • Mount Aloysius College: Guido Calabresi, senior judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
  • Rice University: General (Ret.) Colin Powell, former secretary of state and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology: Michael A. Mussallem, chairman and chief executive officer of Edwards Lifesciences.
  • Thomas University, in Georgia: Georgia State Senator Dean Burke.
  • Wilson College, in Pennsylvania: Barbara Baker, president and C.E.O. of the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium.


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