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  • Medical schools in New York City are furious over a deal the city's health agency signed in which a for-profit medical school in Grenada is buying slots for its third- and fourth-year students to watch and help doctors at city hospitals, The New York Times reported. Typically, medical schools have not been charged for such arrangements, or have paid relatively modest fees. But St. George's University of Medicine will be paying $100 million over 10 years, the Times reported.
  • Alex Macia, vice president for legal affairs at West Virginia University and one of those present last year when university officials decided to award a degree to the governor's daughter even though she did not earn it, has resigned, The Charleston Gazette reported. Macia did not return the newspaper's calls. The scandal over the inappropriately awarded degree has already led to the resignations of several other top officials, including the president.
  • The number of people who took the GED Tests in 2007 rose to nearly 729,000 and nearly half a million passed -- both figures representing the highest levels since 2001. The results were announced by the American Council on Education, which manages the program.
  • It's been almost two months since Sen. Hillary Clinton dropped out of the presidential race, but some colleges have only recently received money owed to them by the campaign. Fourteen colleges and universities were on the latest list submitted to the Federal Election Commission of debts owed by the campaign, and the debts were a total of $176,847.79. At least $100,101.02 of that debt had been paid, according to various colleges. The University of Wisconsin at Madison, Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania are among those colleges that received payment. Oregon Health and Science University is still waiting to be paid. Jim Newman, spokesman for the university, said that it does expect to be paid, but was unsure of when. The campaign used the university's facilities on two separate occasions: an event for the former president and one for the senator.

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