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  • Guy Bailey, chancellor of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, has been named president of Texas Tech University.
  • Glenda Barron, assistant commissioner for student advancement and private institution oversight at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, has been selected as president of Temple College, in Texas.
  • Georgia Costello, regional superintendent at the St. Clair County Regional Office of Education, in Illinois, has been appointed president of Southwestern Illinois College.
  • Steven Hostetter, interim president of Oak Hills Christian College, in Minnesota, has been promoted to president there.
  • Daniel Johnson, principal of Arizona Lutheran Academy, has been named president of Wisconsin Lutheran College.
  • David Rule, president and CEO of Muskegon Community College, in Michigan, has been chosen as president of Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus, in Oregon.
  • Maggy Smith, founding dean of the University College and vice provost for undergraduate studies at the University of Texas at El Paso, has been selected as vice president for academic affairs at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, in Indiana.

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