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  • New Mexico Highlands University has agreed to pay $170,000 to Gregg Turner, who was fired shortly after being denied tenure in the math department, and to expunge the tenure denial from his record, The New Mexican reported. Turner is among several faculty members who say that they were treated unfairly, in part because of a push by a university president who recently agreed to quit, to hire more Latino faculty members. The American Association of University Professors found that the way Turner and another professor were treated violated standards of academic freedom and due process.
  • Scholars in the humanities and social sciences need to do more to develop a "cyberinfrastructure," according to a new report by the American Council of Learned Societies.
  • The Michigan Supreme Court ruled last week that written exchanges between two officials of Eastern Michigan University over cost overruns on a building project could remain secret as they were considered "frank communication."
  • Ghazi Falah, a geography professor at the University of Akron, has been accused by Israel of spying for Hezbollah and Iran, his lawyers told the Associated Press Wednesday. His lawyers said that he was taking photographs while in Israel for academic purposes and not to help any other entity.
  • The University of Oxford has announced a new admissions system under which applicants from schools that do not send many students to top universities may be favored for interviews over students at schools that do send many students on, The Guardian reported. The move follows criticism from government officials and others that Oxford admits too large a proportion of its class from elite private schools. Educators at such schools are blasting the new Oxford policy as unfair to their students.

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