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  • A new study suggests that race and class have an impact on the advice high school students receive on where to go to college. A Drexel University professor analyzed the responses of more than 1,700 guidance counselors to student profiles with information about academic performance, race, class and other factors. The professor, Frank Linnehan, found that -- irrespective of academic performance -- counselors were more likely to recommend community colleges to middle-class students than to upper-class students. Another finding: For middle-class students with lower academic performance, the guidance counselors were more likely to recommend that black students attend community college than they recommended that approach to comparable white students. The reverse was true for wealthier students, where white students were more likely to be urged to attend community colleges. The study will be presented in August at the National Academy of Management meeting.
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission is conducting an "informal investigation" into the way the Apollo Group -- the parent company of the University of Phoenix -- awards stock option grants, the company announced Monday. Apollo's statement said that the company was cooperating with the investigation, which follows a similar probe by a federal prosecutor.
  • For-profit colleges are more aggressive about recruiting online students, with 91 percent reporting that they follow up with prospective students within a month of receiving a contact, compared to 50 percent of nonprofit institutions reporting such activity, according to a new report from eLearners. The survey also found that for-profits spend much more on online recruiting, but that the gap appears likely to narrow.
  • Educators and alumni of Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge are re-fighting the Civil War in a debate over a proposal to name a building after William Tecumseh Sherman, The Times-Picayune reported. Some legislators want the honor for Sherman because he served as superintendent of the institution that opened in 1860 and that eventually became LSU. Sherman did not stay long at the institution because he served in the Union Army during the Civil War and his "scorched earth" policies made him hated by generations of Southerners, including some who are opposing any honor for him at the university he helped create.
  • Kent State University has lifted a ban on its athletes using Facebook, the Student Press Law Center reported. Now, athletes will be allowed to use the popular site, but must restrict access to their profiles so that only people they know may view them.
  • The Latin American Studies Association has announced that it is moving its next meeting from Boston to Montreal to protest Bush administration policies that have blocked Cuban scholars from attending meetings in the United States.
  • The University of Connecticut has had to delay the start of a $90 million Frank Gehry arts building because fund raising for the project has lagged -- big name architect notwithstanding, The Hartford Courant reported.

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