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  • Another committee at the University of Colorado at Boulder has found that Ward Churchill committed "serious, repeated and research misconduct." The latest panel to make this finding is the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct. A special committee examined a range of allegations against Churchill and its findings were released last month. While Colorado administrators will ultimately decide whether Churchill should be fired from his tenured position, the faculty committees' work has been seen as crucial. On the committee whose findings were released Tuesday, six members recommended dismissal, two voted for suspension without pay for five years and one voted for suspension without pay for two years. Churchill has said repeatedly that he did not commit misconduct and that the university is trying to punish him for his controversial views.
  • Rockford College, a small private liberal arts institution, is seeking a bailout from Illinois to keep money flowing until students arrive in the fall, The Rockford Register Star reported. College officials told the newspaper that long-term solutions to the financial problems may involve a merger with another institution.
  • Faculty members responding to a poll about the forestry dean at Oregon State University expressed support for him, despite a recent controversy over academic freedom, The Oregonian reported. The dean, Hal Salwasser, is seen by some critics as too close to the timber industry. A graduate student's paper questioning some research that the timber industry endorses set off a major controversy at the university this spring.
  • UGS, a software company, is giving Hampton University, a historically black institution in Virginia, software valued at nearly $60 million. The software will be used in Hampton's engineering and architecture programs.
  • Donald Hall will be named poet laureate of the United States today, The New York Times reported. The position -- which operates through the Library of Congress -- is designed to promote awareness of poetry.

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