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  • The California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Vocational Education violated its own procedures when it found that Brooks Institute of Photography had misled prospective students and barred the for-profit college from enrolling new students, the California Department of Consumer Affairs has concluded. The department, of which the vocational education bureau is a part, said that the bureau had failed to give officials of the college, which is owned by the Career Education Corporation, a chance to contest the findings before the agency took action last July. The finding is largely a procedural one, and the consumer affairs department directed the vocational education bureau to extend Brooks's current approval to operate until the agency conducts a qualitative review of Brooks's performance.
  • The College of William & Mary's "Tribe" nickname, in conjunction with its use of Native American imagery like eagle feathers, warrants its inclusion on a list of colleges with icons deemed "hostile and abusive," the National Collegiate Athletic Association announced Tuesday. William and Mary will be restricted from participating in and playing host to NCAA championships as long as it maintains the Native American imagery, under a policy the association adopted last year. William and Mary's president, Gene R. Nichol, had noted in its petition to the NCAA that the college had changed its nickname from "Indians" and discontinued its Native American mascot, and argued that the use of the name communicates "ennobling sentiments of commitment, shared idealism, community and common cause."

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