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  • The American Council on Education has released a new analysis looking at students who hold jobs while enrolled in college. The analysis is based on data previously released by the Education Department and found that nearly 80 percent of undergraduates work, with the average time per week hitting 30 hours. One-third of these students consider themselves employees who are also enrolled in college, not students paying for college. One surprise noted in the study was that many affluent students also work long hours while in college.
  • Ward Churchill's lawyers are threatening to sue the University of Colorado at Boulder if it goes through with an additional investigation of the controversial professor, The Rocky Mountain News reported. A faculty panel is expected to release findings next week on a series of misconduct charges against Churchill. But new research misconduct charges have surfaced, and Boulder is getting ready to look into those as well.
  • A federal grand jury indicted five people -- some of them not named and some apparently out of the country -- for roles in a 2001 firebombing of a  horticulture laboratory at the University of Washington, the Associated Press reported.
  • The board of the North Harris Montgomery Community College District, in Texas, on Thursday held an emergency meeting and decided to postpone a district election scheduled for Saturday, in which trustees were to have been elected and a bond measure would have been decided. The board acted after federal officials questioned whether there were enough polling places and whether some low-income residents would have faced unreasonable distances to travel in order to vote.
  • A curricular review at the Harvard Law School has resulted in proposals to make the first-year program more practical -- a shift that would reflect moves at other law schools, The International Herald Tribune reported.
  • Officials at Marshall University are not shielded by state immunity from a federal defamation lawsuit filed by a former sports official, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled Thursday. A divided three-judge panel of the court said that B. David Ridpath, now an assistant professor of sports management at Mississippi State University, could pursue his lawsuit accusing Marshall's governing board and several administrators of blaming him unfairly for rules violations that occurred while he was its athletics compliance director, in a way that resulted in him being blacklisted from the profession. Ridpath is now executive director of the Drake Group, a sports reform group.
  • The U.S. House of Appropriations Committee approved legislation Wednesday that would fund the National Endowments for the Humanities and the Arts at their fiscal 2006 levels in the 2007 fiscal year. Under the measure, the humanities endowment would receive $141 million and the arts agency $124 million.
  • After a review, Cornerstone University has decided to keep its ban on any employees smoking, drinking or gambling, The Grand Rapids Press reported. The newspaper quoted President Rex Rogers as saying: "If it's potentially addictive, why go there? Why even tempt it? There are lots of Christian institutions that take a different position. We are saying this is who we want to be."

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