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  • Industry support for academic research and development for science fell 2.6 percent in fiscal 2004, the third consecutive year of a decline, according to a report from the National Science Foundation. Industry funds represent the smallest of the various categories of sources for academic R&D expenditures tracked by the NSF, accounting for $2.1 billion out of a total of nearly $43 billion in such spending
  • A national poll of history and political science professors found that 58 percent consider President Bush to be a failure, 24 percent rate him below average, 11 percent average, 5 percent near great, and 2 percent great. The poll was released by the Siena College Research Institute. Historians, women and older professors were the most critical of President Bush.
  • Laura Palmer Noone, the president of the University of Phoenix since 2000, will step down from her position on July 1, to spend more time with her family. In January, the Apollo Group, the parent company of Phoenix, announced the sudden resignation of its president.
  • Delores Cross, the former president of Morris Brown College, on Monday pleaded guilty to embezzling federal funds when she led the financially troubled historically black college in Atlanta, the Associated Press reported. Cross could face jail time under a plea agreement under which many other charges were dropped. Her lawyers told the AP that she admitted to having made some mistakes in failing to prevent problems, and that she wanted to help the college recover. Lawyers for Cross said they would push for minimal or no jail time because of an unspecified medical condition that Cross has.
  • Sami Al-Arian, the former University of South Florida professor, will be in jail for another year and a half, following sentencing Monday, the Associated Press reported. Al-Arian faced a series of charges of helping terrorist groups and was not convicted on any of them, but he reached a plea agreement, expecting to be deported. Now he will face more jail time first. In a statement prior to sentencing, Al-Arian said he had tried to uphold American values and culture while living in the United States.
  • Qatar is giving $17.5 million to Xavier University of Louisiana and smaller grants to several other New Orleans colleges, The New York Times reported. Xavier, the only Roman Catholic, historically black college in the country, will use the funds for new facilities for its College of Pharmacy and for scholarships to those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Qatar is giving a total of $60 million to help New Orleans recover.
  • The whistle blower who brought down the presidency of Benjamin Ladner at American University was Reginald Green, who was once Ladner's chauffeur, The Examiner reported. Green told the newspaper that he was shocked by the spending by Ladner and his wife and angry over being fired -- Green says because Ladner was angry that his driver needed a bathroom break while returning from Philadelphia. Green mailed material anonymously to American University trustees, setting off the events that eventually led to Ladner's downfall.

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