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  • In a post-Katrina cost-cutting move, Louisiana is changing the way it manages its system of technical and community colleges, the Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana and Technical College System announced. Most central office duties will be replaced with a regional management system.
  • A legislative committee in Colorado has effectively killed a bill that would have made it easier to fire tenured faculty members, The Rocky Mountain News reported. The bill was prompted by the Ward Churchill controversy. University officials lobbied hard against the legislation, saying that a perception that the state was hostile to tenure would make it more difficult to recruit top faculty members.
  • The Virginia General Assembly has passed a bill that would require colleges to develop guidelines to keep textbook prices from increasing unreasonably, The Washington Post reported.
  • Students at the State University of New York College at Purchase are debating standards of free speech after a student put on blackface make-up and made racially charged comments during a campus television show, The Journal News reported.
  • The Star-Ledger reported that the latest problem for the financially troubled University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey may be evidence fo $70 million in Medicaid overbilling over the last decade. Auditors are still trying to figure out the extent of the problem.
  • Following an injury to a Southern Illinois University at Carbondale cheerleader, who fell during a pyramid routine, the association of cheerleading coaches has urged athletic conferences to ban certain kinds of stunts and routines for the rest of the basketball season, pending a review of their safety. The request from the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators focuses on certain kinds of towers and pyramids that have become popular in recent years.
  • In research that will not surprise many experts on student life, the American Medical Association has released new data on spring break, showing that college-age women who go on spring break trips are more likely to engage in heavy drinking and sexual activity on their trips than during their regular schedules.

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