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  • A 2005 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was charged Saturday with 18 counts of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly driving a rented SUV into a crowded campus spot, injuring six people. At a news briefing Saturday, the university's police chief said that the investigation thus far suggested that MohammedReza Taheri-azar's motive "was to avengethe deaths of Muslims around the world." The university's Muslim Students Association issued a statement deploring the incident, and urging others at Chapel Hill to "dissociate the actions of this one disturbed individual from the beliefs of the Muslim community as a whole."
  • One of the largest for-profit higher ed chains, Education Management Corporation, is set to announce its sale today to two private equity groups for $3.4 billion, The New York Times reported.
  • The vice president of Oregon's Board of Higher Education proposed Friday that the state sell off one of its seven public universities to improve the financial condition of the others, the Oregonian reported. The board's other members gave Kirby Dyess's proposal a cool reception.
  • The American Council on Education has selected 38 professors and administrators for the ACE Fellows Program's class of 2006-7. The program aims to prepare academics to become senior administrators at colleges and universities.

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