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  • Higher education faces a mixed financial outlook in 2006, as student demand will continue to be high but government scrutiny and tuition pressure are likely to increase, Standard & Poor's said in a report Monday. The ratings agency predicts that public and private nonprofit colleges and universities will take on significant debt in 2006 because of continued growth in enrollments and the need to repair aging academic facilities, even though debt levels are likely to fall a bit from 2005, which was a record setting year.
  • A government Web site that is supposed to become the central repository for the awarding of federal grants has a flaw that severely limits its reach in academe: It won't work with Macintosh computers, according to The Washington Post. A fix for the problem is most likely a year away, much to the dismay of many campus officials, the newspaper reports.
  • Duke University will limit the number of factories that are permitted to manufacture merchandise and apparel with the university's name and logo on it, university officials announced Monday. Duke administrators said the move would make it easier for the university and anti-sweatshop groups to monitor working conditions in the factories that produce Duke-themed material.

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