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  • The State University of New York has broadened two minority scholarship programs to include low-income white students, according to the Associated Press. Many public universities took similar steps in recent years in response to court decisions that have upheld affirmative action, but within certain limits.
  • A student at the University of Maryland at College Park was killed early Tuesday and another was injured in a fire in an off-campus apartment, the Associated Press reported.
  • Lawrence H. Summers, the president of Harvard University who has been criticized for his views on women and science, is calling for a worldwide effort to educate girls in developing countries. In an interview released by the World Economic Forum, for which he is co-chairing the annual meeting, he said: "The education of girls is the single most important investment that can be made in the developing world. Beyond the tangible economic benefits, it promotes smaller, healthier and happier families. Greater education of girls would pay off for its economic benefits alone, it would pay off for its social benefits alone and it would pay off for its health benefits alone as well." Summers also called for American colleges to do more to promote economic diversity in their student bodies, saying that there was "very little danger in the U.S. of going too far in this direction."
  • A prominent liberal theologian at the University of Notre Dame confirmed that he is under investigation for plagiarism charges, but denied any wrongdoing, the AP reported. The Rev. Richard McBrien has been accused of including material from a Boston Globe column in a column he wrote for several other newspapers. Father McBrien said that he used some information from the column, but did not plagiarize. He told the AP that the Cardinal Newman Society, the conservative group that has raised the plagiarism issue, was trying to discredit theologians with whom it disagrees.
  • A new consortium of publishers and libraries has started a project to preserve back copies of journals should publishers cease making the material available online.
  • Apple has started a free program -- iTunes U -- to allow colleges to use the iTunes store to distribute relevant course content.

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