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  • Colleges in the Galveston area are shutting down to prepare for the possible arrival of Hurricane Rita. Among colleges that have temporary closed are Galveston College and Texas A&M University at Galveston.  Classes have been suspended at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, but many other activities continue, including efforts to evacuate patients.
  • President Bush on Wednesday signed two bills that waive certain requirements for student-aid recipients who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina. The bills waive repayment rules that would normally apply to students who leave a college for which they have received federal assistance to pay for tuition and other expenses.
  • Nils Hasselmo, president of the Association of American Universities, announced Wednesday that he would retire from that job in February. Hasselmo, former president of the University of Minnesota, has led AAU since 1998. The association represents 62 leading research universities. While Hasselmo served as president, the AAU was a strong backer of a Congressional campaign to double support for the National Institutes of Health.
  • For the second time, Glendale Community College has come close to picking a new president -- and has decided to re-open the search instead, The Arizona Republic reported. The aborted searches come at a time that many community colleges report increasing difficulty in finding new presidents.
  • A student at Our Lady of the Lakes University has asked the U.S. Justice Department to rule that the San Antonio institution is violating her rights by barring her ferret from classes, according to KSAT news. The student says that she suffers from a variety of mental disorders and needs the ferret to get through the day.

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