One Site or a Thousand? Optimizing Content Discovery Through Search and Governance

Learn how Harvard and Brown improved content discoverability through better site search & digital governance.

Universities are facing an increasingly complex challenge: managing vast amounts of diverse content while ensuring it is easily discoverable for students, faculty and staff. With hundreds or even thousands of microsites, unifying and governing this digital landscape can seem overwhelming. However, there is a solution: a dual approach combining robust site search capabilities with strong digital governance. 

This webinar will explore how universities can tackle the challenge of content discoverability by enhancing site search and establishing effective digital governance frameworks. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Enhance Content Discoverability: Learn how to make your institution's content easily searchable and accessible.
  • Unified Digital Governance: Discover strategies for managing and optimizing content across multiple platforms and departments.
  • Applicable for All Models: Whether centralized or decentralized, find strategies that fit your institution's governance model. 


A powerful search engine, capable of indexing content across multiple platforms and departments, is essential for providing a seamless user experience. Yet, search alone is not enough. Without a solid governance structure that ensures content is consistently created, managed and optimized, even the most sophisticated search tool will fall short and can leave students with the perception your institution is not a good fit. 

Drawing on real-world examples from universities like Harvard University and Brown University, we will offer insights into how institutions can navigate the complexities of varied stakeholder priorities while maintaining a coherent digital presence.