OER & AER: Lowering Textbook Costs While Preserving Quality
Hear how three institutions lowered course material costs via blended affordability models.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are growing in popularity as higher ed institutions across the country aim to improve textbook affordability. However, curbing textbook and course material costs is rarely a one-size-fits-all approach.
Join an enlightening discussion that uncovers how three institutions successfully lowered course material costs through blended affordability models that leverage both OER and Affordable Education Resources (AER).
Dr. Amjad Abdullat, dean of the Engler College of Business at West Texas A&M University, Dr. Elza Ibroscheva, associate provost for accreditation, assessment and academic planning at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Dr. Ryan Ruda, president and CEO of Garden City Community College will showcase the multi-tiered approaches their institutions took to achieve textbook affordability while continuing to drive toward academic excellence.
The panel of institutional leaders will highlight their unique experiences and insights on key topics such as:
- Addressing common challenges when shifting to affordable textbooks, such as content quality and academic freedom
- The value of OER as part of an affordable textbook initiative
- Strategies for implementing a blended approach that meets the needs of students, faculty and the institution
This discussion will provide valuable insights and practical takeaways to help your institution pave a well-rounded pathway for affordable course materials. Don't miss this opportunity to join the conversation!
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