Meeting New Expectations with Innovative Leadership

Gather fresh insights that will advance academic innovation leadership across universities.

Higher education leaders are increasingly charged with leading innovation efforts for their universities and systems. The rapidly evolving landscape has given rise to specialized roles—from Chief Digital Transformation Officers to Vice Provosts and Chancellors for Academic Innovation.

But how are these titles and the individuals behind them designing structures that advance innovation toward student success and steer their institutions through unprecedented technological changes? What are these leaders actually responsible for, and how have their portfolios evolved? What barriers do the individuals in these roles face?

Join us for an exclusive webinar featuring prominent higher education leaders and the creators of the Leading Academic Change National Survey 2.0 to gather fresh insights that will advance academic innovation leadership across universities.

Quantum Thinking and University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation (CAI) banded together along with a committee of academic leaders to design the Leading Academic Change National Survey 2.0, which was launched in January of 2024. The upcoming survey findings are poised to shape and inform the development of leadership models, resilient support structures, and innovative approaches to improve student success on an institutional and national level.

In this webinar, we will share with participants the early results of the survey findings.

Class has proudly been a Platinum sponsor of the LAC 2.0 National Survey and is the sponsor of this webinar.

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