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Several articles relevant to "Inside Digital Learning" subscribers appeared in Inside Higher Ed this week. They include:

  • The University of Louisville and IBM jointly plan to open a new "skills academy" on the university's campus, focusing on helping the institution's students develop skills in blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and other high-demand fields. IBM said it was exploring similar academies with other universities.
  • A former instructor at Arizona State University alleged that he was forced out for pushing back on a requirement to fail 30 percent of his class -- a mandate he said was issued to falsely inflate the positive impact of a new digital courseware product on students’ grades. Arizona State strongly denied the accusations.
  • A liberal think tank published a report criticizing the rules on accreditation recently agreed to by a federal panel appointed by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. The Center for American Progress said the rules on accreditation and innovation would favor institutions over students, among other things.

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