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Join us as a guest blogger at University of Venus at Inside Higher Ed's BlogU. The University of Venus is an Education Writer’s Association award-winning, peer-reviewed blog bringing together GenX women in higher education from around the globe. We launched in January 2010 and have hosted over 50 writers from more than 20 countries. Our writers have gone on to write op-ed pieces for Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education, USA Today, and The Guardian (UK). 

Posts should focus on current issues in higher education and should be no longer than 750 words. Most of our posts are written in a first-person narrative style to encourage a broader reach to a more general audience but we also welcome research-based posts. (Note – Although our focus is on GenX women, we also publish posts written by older and younger women and posts written by men.)


Send an email to with the following:

1.       Attach your post to the email in Microsoft Word format.

2.       The subject line of your email should include your first and last name: example –  Mary Churchill Submission.

3.       Tell us how you think your post will fit into University of Venus.

4.       Provide a brief biography of yourself  (approx. 3-5 sentences) – include links to your own blog if you have one and contact info if you are open to readers contacting you.  If you would like to include a photo of yourself (strongly encouraged for building connections with your readers), please attach it to your email in jpg format.

We invite you to go through our website and to submit posts for upcoming months. Inquiries can be directed to Mary Churchill at

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