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Evidence of UD's still-throbbing 'sixties sensibility.

A list that will be added to as UD thinks of more stuff.

1.] Usually UD finds students who come to class without the book -- without even paper to take notes! -- a royal piss-off. If the student's a mentally-askew hippie, no prob.

2.] No wrist-watch.

3.]UD's drawn like a moth to students who wear patterned Peruvian caps with braided tassels. She especially likes students who keep them on for the whole class session, so that when the students make a comment, the tassels dance about.

4.] A sorority woman in one of UD's classes wore a pink sweater with her initials sewn onto it in big cursive script. UD judged her to be retarded. (She turned out to be the smartest person in the class.)

5.] UD told her modernism class last Wednesday that one good way to read the Anna Livia section of Finnegans Wake might be "high as a kite."

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