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Should TED replace "Entertainment" with "Education"?

Doesn't "Technology, Education, Design" make more sense than "Technology, Entertainment, Design"?

Entertainment? We've got too many online entertainment options. Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc., etc.

TED Talks represent one of the futures of Education. Smart, concise, unbundled, mobile, emotional, and with attention to form. TED Talks have forever changed the lecture, the conference presentation, and the capture lecture.

We know that the learning payload of lectures declines rapidly for every minute past 20.

We know decks must be graphical, built on images rather than words.

We know that talks must be available online, be ready for download, and have their own app if they have a hope of spreading.

TED has a tag for education (88 talks), but Education is not a channel on the TED homepage. (Entertainment gets 186 talks.)

TEDx is taking off on our campuses. I foresee a TED University. A new kind of college, one where the courses are focused on students creating 18 minute presentations for the world. Where graduates master the art of the TED talk. Where learning happens through the active process of creating a talk for a local and worldwide audience, rather than through papers or tests. What course wouldn't work through this lens? What process is a better teacher than the need to synthesize, persuade, and inspire?

Technology. Education. Design. The new TED.

What do you say, Chris?

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