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Some people deserve their own courses. They are both interesting and prolific enough that only in the context of a course can we hope to digest and understand what they are up to. In academia we don't tend to turn people into courses, a shame as if we are smart enough to choose someone still on this planet there is a good chance that they will agree to interact with our students.

So I propose a new course: The Learning Universe of Curtis J. Bonk

Course Description: This course examines the intersection of higher education, learning theory, and technology through the lens of the writing and media of Curtis J. Bonk, professor of instructional systems technology (IST) in the School of Education at Indiana University at Bloomington.

Course Units:

The World Is Open: A Critical Analysis of the Open Education Movement

The Student-Centered Challenge: Change, Continuity and Disruptions in the Dominant Paradigms and Emerging Models in Higher Ed Teaching

TED, YouTube/EDU, iTunesU: Uses and Misuses in Course Design and Effective Teaching

YouTube Anchors and Enders: The Use of Shared Online Video Content as a Macrocontext for Learning

E-Learning in the U.S. and Asia: A Cross-Cultural Comparison

Empowering Online Learning: Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing.

Blended, Online and Face-to-Face Learning: Trends on the Horizon

Learning and Cognition in Education: From Behaviorism to Constructivism to Instructivism

Primary Text: The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

Text Supplements:

Free World is Open book Prequel and Postscript (which will also appear in the upcoming paperback edition) and all book Web links and reference links:

The primary text will be supplemented by a series of articles authored by Professor Bonk; many, of course, are open access at

Other Course Resources:

Curt Blonk's e-Learning World

TravelinEdMan Blog

World is Open/Web 2.0 Syllabus:

Other Web resources:

Available Video Materials:

27 online teaching primers (each 10 minutes or less). Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching & Learning (V-PORTAL) from Indiana University, School of Education, Instructional Consulting Office. (Also found in YouTube for faster play).

Several free snippets from STARLINK for their faculty development series episodes on e-learning and blended learning, the Web 2.0, and best practices in higher education.

8-pack of Learning and Cognition Theory lectures.

Various conference talks and keynotes; including: “The Flat World has Swung Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education” and “The World is Open: Introducing the Heroes, Gurus, and Revolutionaries of the Shared Internet".

Student team research will be supplemented by in-depth interviews with Dr. Bonk, who has also agreed to three synchronous class sessions. As per below, they can also watch or listen to existing interviews including a previous book study on the World is Open by Dr. Bryan Setser, Executive Director of the North Carolina Virtual Public School, Learn and Earn Online program. Discussion and interviews for each chapter are available at this site.

Available Audio Materials:

Radio show interviews and podcasts.

Who else working at the intersection of education, technology, and learning would you build a course around?

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