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How excited are you about the new iPhone 6 that Apple is announcing today?

Some of the iPhone 6 features that I’m most excited about include:

Thor’s Hammer Feature:  Siri has now improved so that when you call out your iPhone’s name it will fly (from wherever in the world it happens to be) to your hand.  This is not only a great anti-theft feature, but can be wonderfully dramatic when employed in a meeting or on a date.  There are some worries about liability when your iPhone 6 smashes through windows or knocks into small children, but I’m hopeful that much like iCloud and Apple TV, the Thor's Hammer feature will improve with time.

Fully Submergible:  Finally our iPhone’s will breach the last barrier that was causing us to part - the shower and the tub.  (Or the pool, ocean, or when deep-sea diving).  Apple has understood that the market has been calling out for a fully waterproof phone.  No longer will we suffer from the iPhone separation anxiety that has caused so many of us to curtail our showering.

Siri Conversation:  The combination of a more powerful chipset and improvements in Siri will enable your iPhone to carry on a conversation with anyone wishing to speak with you.  This Siri Conversation feature will enable you keep texting, tweeting and surfing on your iPhone while Siri talks to whoever is trying to interrupt your mobile experience.  This feature should finally eliminate the awkward and annoying times when people wish to speak with you while you are engaged with your iPhone.

MOOC Completion App:  The iPhone 6 debuts the new MOOC Completion App.  This app will automatically, and in the background, play MOOC videos, take MOOC assessments, and participate in MOOC discussion boards.  The app will then give you a summary report (or tweet if you like) of the high points of the material covered in the MOOC.  Apple hopes that this new app will catalyze the transition of learning to the mobile platform, while significantly increasing MOOC completion rates.

Anticipatory Interface:  The new iOS 8 feature that generating the most buzz is the new Anticipatory Interface (AI).  The iPhone no longer requires you to decide which app you want to use, as the big data generated from the millions of iOS devices already sold enables the iPhone to anticipate your desires.  Apple has been closely following the paradox of choice literature, and has figured out that iPhone users don’t want to choose what we do.  We only want a great iPhone experience.  The iOS 8 software automatically chooses the exact right app, social media, news, and gaming experience that will cause maximum happiness.  

Do you plan to upgrade to an iPhone 6? 

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