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How do alternative academics (alt-acs) categorize our occupation?

When we need to fill out forms that ask for our occupations, what do we put down?

I’ve yet to settle on an answer.

Some of the various occupations that I’ve given for my employment status include:

  • educator
  • professor (I once was on, maybe the title persists?)
  • director
  • technologist
  • online learning (Which I know is not a job title or occupation, but it is what I spend all my time thinking about and working on).
  • academic technologist
  • instructional designer
  • learning designer
  • administrator (Our least favorite occupational title, right?)
  • sociologist
  • demographer
  • academic
  • blogger
  • learning scientist (Maybe my favorite).

What I’ve never written down for occupation on a form is alternative-academic.  

Should the Bureau of Labor Statistics include alt-ac in their Occupational Handbook?  

What do you write in the blank space for occupation?


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