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I'm counting on the IHE community to share some knowledge. Do any of you know anything about Apple University?

TheNextWeb has a great infographic on Apple University.

My knowledge of Apple University starts and ends at this infographic. I know that a fellow sociologist, and former Yale dean, Joel Podolny runs the place.

Some of the questions I have about Apple University?

  • What makes it a "university?" Courses? Culture? The Free Flow if Ideas?
  • What is the delivery method for Apple University? Cohort or self-paced? Face-to-face, blended, or online?
  • Who are the professors?
  • Is Apple partnering with any institutions of higher learning to develop courses?
  • What technology platforms are used to create the content for Apple University?
  • Does Apple University use an LMS (learning management system)?
  • How is Apple University different or similar from traditional corporate universities?
  • Do Apple University folks participate in our professional associations such as EDUCAUSE?

What would you ask?

What do you know about Apple University?

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