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"The market for edtech information is broken -- and we'd like to glue the pieces together."

This quote comes from the latest edSurge newsletter, a startup that describes itself as " a community watering hole and resource for those of us engaged in the emerging eco-system of education technology."

You can (and should) sign-up for the the edSurge newsletter at

7 Reasons Why I'm Excited about edSurge:

1. Focus: The edtech startup scene is moving too quickly for anyone to get a handle on. The edSurge folks are focused on the companies, people and markets developing at the intersection of education and technology. This can only be done adequately by a group of specialists.

2. Blended Learning: Looks like edSurge got some money from the Gates Foundation to focus on blended learning. This is good news from all angles, as blended is the bridge across delivery methods (and where I work!).

3. Money: The edSurge newsletter rounds up the latest edtech investment deals, connecting the dots between the funders and the companies. We learn about new edtech startups, and the investors that are starting to make big edtech bests.

4. Community: It is early days for edSurge, but from what I can see the focus is on connecting our community to each other. I look forward to the edSurge website, and I hope that it will be a platform to connect with the people who work at edtech startups and other early adopters.

5. Jobs: The edSurge team appears to be pretty well dialed-in to the edtech job market. Sharing these opportunities is a great service to our community.

6. Events: There are too many edtech conferences and events to keep up with. The edSurge team is aggregating them for us.

7. Team: The main reason why I'm most excited about edSurge is the edSurge team. Betsy Corcoran, Agustin Vilaseca, Nick Punt, and Matt Bowman make for an impressive group. It will be exciting to see where they take edSurge in the next 12 months.

One place that I hope to see edSurge evolve include more coverage of the higher ed sector (or at least greater distinctions between the K12 and postsecondary coverage). And of course, I'm looking forward to seeing edSurge highlighting boneheaded edtech plays.

I hope that our IHE community gives edSurge our support.

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