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Where do student affairs practitioners go for information about technology and student affairs? I generally point folks toward several websites, including: BreakDrink, The SA Collaborative Blog, Higher Ed Live, and of course (ahem) this particular blog. My blog posts about technology as a competency / thread have generated a fair amount of discussion amongst the student affairs techie crowd. The #SAtech hashtag on Twitter is a constant and consistent source of informative tweets about student affairs and technology.

I'm thrilled to announce a brand new tech event for student affairs pros. The #satechBOS Unconference is a free event for SA pros to gather in Boston (at the BU campus) to share information and chat about the latest and greatest ideas in student affairs + technology. The #satechBOS Unconference is being hosted by Ed Cabellon, Mike Hamilton, Kenn Elmore, and Boston University. According to the #satechBOS wiki, the event's target participants are "Student Affairs in Higher Education administrators passionate about technology" and "Higher Education administrators and colleagues looking to contribute ideas and create collaboration opportunities." With only 75 of 90 spots remaining, I predict that this event will be filled with a wide range of practitioners and expertise.

It looks like July is going to be a busy month for me. I'm speaking at the ACUHO-I Annual Conference & Exposition, attending the National Conference on Student Recruitment, Marketing, and Retention and making my way to Boston for the #satechBOS / #eduTweetup events.

Are you an #SAtech techie? Where do you go for professional development?

Do you tweet? Let's connect. Follow me on Twitter.