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The 2011 NASPA Annual Conference has been an amazing event. More than 5,000 student affairs practitioners came to Philadelphia to share information, make connections, and discuss the future direction of both the association and the profession. The exhibit hall was jam-packed with a variety of higher education vendors / service providers. Sessions, meetings, banquets, receptions, and all sorts of festivities have kept attendees active from early in the morning to late at night.

As expected, the #NASPA11 backchannel conversation has been very active and insightful. Multiple tweetup events have drawn large crowds. The #WLSalt event on Saturday and the #NASPA11 #SAchat tweetups were terrific opportunities for student affairs professionals from all over the world to connect, share, and socialize. Twitter has proven to be a fantastic way for practitioners to network prior to large conferences. This creates a sense of community that enhances the conference experience and connects people long after the conference has concluded.

The proposed consolidation between ACPA and NASPA has been on the minds of many in attendance. Several sessions have offered participants the opportunity to ask questions, voice their concerns, and champion a new unified association. Voting began on March 15th and will last for a month. With ACPA's Annual Convention right around the corner, voters will have ample opportunity to discuss, learn, and decide on the future of both associations. Change is in the air!

I've been attending sessions, meetings, tweetups, as well as facilitating two social media unsessions. It's been a great conference thus far. As a student affairs professional without a campus, it's been very exciting for me to be able to attend the NASPA Annual Conference. The experience has been transformative.

Do you tweet? Let's connect. Follow me on Twitter.