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ABC's and PhD's: Playdates and marshmallow sticks

Yesterday my 5th grader came home from school and did a happy “no homework” dance. Her afterschool class that day...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Sick Day?

This morning I woke up with a cold. Stuffy nose, scratchy throat, hoarse voice. The end of the school year...

Sports Subsidies

A few weeks ago I met with my son’s advisor to discuss his academic progress as he nears the end...

Math Geek Mom: Graduation

Once, years ago, I found myself at a party talking about what it would mean to divide by zero. (No...

Oil spills and Post-docs

I’ve been focused on the tragic, on-going oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: first, because my current documentary is...

ABC's and PhD's: Vacation

Until a few weeks ago, I’d never made more than a weekend trip away from my children. In my mind...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Teaching and Tae Kwon Do, again

When I first wrote about teaching and tae kwon do, over two years ago, I was just about to head...

More on 'Frills' vs. 'Serious Subjects'

The responses to last week’s column have resonated with me in an especially intense way this week. Before returning to...