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Good People!

As I write this, thousands of fine individuals are gearing up to start new graduate programs in the fall. Just like you and I in our first years, these folks probably hold an impressive variety of misconceptions about what to expect, and what will be expected of them, as they take this next step in their academic careers. We (that is the GradHacker editors, authors and you handsome GradHacker readers), however, are in a better position than ever to help spare these incoming scholars the frustration of learning these lessons the hard way. We editors therefore offer you what we believe to be a fine deal: you share what it is you wish you had known in your first year in grad school, and we will put you into a drawing for a coveted GradHacker swag pack.

Here's what we'd like you to do:

Offer up your best advice for next year's incoming class in the comments below, and then tweet about your advice with a link to the IHE page and the hashtag #1styrgrad by July 23. On July 24, we'll randomly select five individuals who shared their advice, and those lucky scholars will receive their very own GradHacker swag pack, complete with a T-shirt, water bottle, and ever-useful GH ink pens!

On behalf of the GH editorial team, I hope you've had a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you when we resume our regular publishing schedule in August (less than a month now)!


Benjamin Sawyer
Development Editor, GradHacker


 [Image by flickr user ganderssen1 and used under a creative commons license]