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To enter to win in today's free raffle, simply e-mail me (only once today—you can and should enter each day!) at and be sure to include in your title these secret words:

Radio Free AWP Raffle Day One

Today's prizes include:


In a nice tie-in with the Southern Foodways Alliance podcasts, the University of Georgia Press has generously provided a copy of The Southern Foodways Alliance Community Cookbook, edited by Sara Roahen and John T. Edge, and with a foreword by Alton Brown. The publisher's copy reads:

Everybody has one in their collection. You know—one of those old, spiral- or plastic-tooth-bound cookbooks sold to support a high school marching band, a church, or the local chapter of the Junior League. These recipe collections reflect, with unimpeachable authenticity, the dishes that define communities: chicken and dumplings, macaroni and cheese, chess pie. When the Southern Foodways Alliance began curating a cookbook, it was to these spiral-bound, sauce-splattered pages that they turned for their model. "It's as much Americana as cookbook, an effort to preserve a vanishing part of our culture. Either way, it's an instant classic."—Time


University of Georgia Press will also send to a different lucky reader a copy of Cornbread Nation 5: The Best of Southern Food Writing, edited by the magnificently-named Fred W. Sauceman; General Editor John T. Edge. The copy:

A generous helping of new food writing that explores southern foodways. In this collection of more than seventy essays and poems, we read about the food that provides nourishment as well as a sense of community and shared history. Essays examine Nashville’s obsession with hot chicken and the South’s passion for congealed foods. There are stories of green tomatoes frying over a campfire in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee and tea cakes baking for Easter in Louisiana. In a chapter on immigrant cooking, writers visit the Mississippi Delta where a Chinese family fries pork rinds in a wok and a Lebanese restaurant serves baklava alongside coconut cream pie.

“Cornbread Nation 5 is a mouth-watering read that evokes the smells of exotic foods like fried Coke, paddlefish, and livermush, as well as the familiar aroma of field peas, corn, and sweet potato pie. . . . Fred Sauceman has edited a truly historic body of reflections on southern food that will be read with gusto by all who love to eat. And eat they must after relishing this beautiful book.”—William Ferris, author of Give My Poor Heart Ease: Voices of the Mississippi Blues.


One copy of Eugene Alper's translation of Anton Chekhov: A Brother's Memoir by Mikhail Chekhov will be given away. "Originally published in Russia in 1933, this is the first English translation of Mikhail Chekhov’s memoir of his brother Anton. Marking the 150th anniversary of Chekhov’s birth, it offers a matchless eyewitness view of a man remarkable not just for literary genius but heroic decency...." Peter Kemp, The Sunday Times (UK). Courtesy of the author, whose three podcasts of translations and music are an important part of Radio Free AWP this week.


Now I don't even know what to say about this next giveaway, it's so great. Yes I do:

The University of Michigan Press's Poets on Poetry Series, whose founding editor was Donald Hall, has been ongoing for 35 years. The series collects critical works by contemporary poets, gathering together the articles, interviews, and book reviews by which they have articulated the poetics of a new generation. I’ve read a number of these titles over the years, and I, a prose guy, find them more helpful than just about any other books on craft that are out there, and I push them on students and acquaintances wherever I go.

One lucky winner will pick any two titles from the Poets on Poetry series (there are 105 titles total now, I believe) in paper. Two of my own favorites are To Make a Prairie, by Maxine Kumin, and Poems are Hard to Read, by William Meredith. And Don’t Ask, by Philip Levine. And So Ask, by Philip Levine. And anything by William Stafford or Louis Simpson. Hey, pick what you want, but everybody check them out.

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