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Radio Free Churm

Now for today’s giveaways:

Our friends at Dalkey Archive Press, whom I wrote about here before, have provided a copy of their hottest title, Best European Fiction 2011, a 40-story anthology edited by acclaimed Bosnian novelist and MacArthur "Genius-Award" winner Aleksandar Hemon. “[T]here is no lack of variety or daring in the work Mr. Hemon has assembled,” the New York Times says of this second collection in the series, and Time calls it “an exhilarating read.”


Dalkey Archive Press also is giving away the Collected Work of Arno Schmidt in four volumes, translated by John E. Woods. One lucky winner will receive all four books: Collected Stories, Collected Novellas, Two Novels, and Nobodaddy’s Children. In a review of the novellas the New York Times calls Schmidt “a craggy giant of postwar German literature. If Heinrich Boll was the conscience of the nation and Gunter Grass put political engagement on the literary agenda, Schmidt was the grand experimenter. He was a writer of arcane but brilliant practice, an uncompromising innovator whose learning, wit and originality place him in the front rank of modern European fiction.”


Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh Press, one copy of David Wojahn’s World Tree. David Wojahn is professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and also teaches in the MFA in Writing Program of the Vermont College of Fine Arts. He is the author of Spirit Cabinet, The Falling Hour, Late Empire, and other works, including Interrogation Palace, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Wojahn is the recipient of four Pushcart Prizes, the William Carlos Williams Book Award, and has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Pitt also will give away one copy of Ross Gay’s Bringing the Shovel Down. Both titles were published in January. Bringing the Shovel Down is a re-imagination of the violent mythologies of state and power. Ross Gay is assistant professor of English at Indiana University and author of the poetry collection Against Which. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Gulf Coast, Ploughshares, and Sou’wester, among other publications. Gay also teaches in the low-residency MFA program at Drew University and is a Cave Canem fellow.


The University of Illinois Press will give away one copy each to two different readers Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC, edited by Faith Holsaert, et al. The copy:

“Fifty-two women—northern and southern, young and old, urban and rural, black, white, and Latina—share their courageous personal stories of working for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement. The testimonies gathered here present a sweeping personal history of SNCC: early sit-ins, voter registration campaigns, and Freedom Rides; the 1963 March on Washington, the Mississippi Freedom Summer, and the movements in Alabama and Maryland; and Black Power and antiwar activism. These intense stories depict women, many very young, dealing with extreme fear and finding the remarkable strength to survive.”

“Powerful, inspiring, and tremendously moving, the oral histories collected here highlight the essential role women played as organizers and activists with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in the South of the early 1960s. . . . Essential reading for anyone interested in the Civil Rights Movement." —Library Journal


One signed hardcover of Archicembalo, poems by G.C. Waldrep.

Publisher’s Weekly in a starred review says, “Often breathtaking in its erudition, at other times imbued with a forceful simplicity, tricky in its sensibility yet clearly driven by affection, this third collection from the prolific Waldrep (Disclamor) might be the best book of prose poems to appear in a long while. “ The New York Times says, “Waldrep's title denotes an antique keyboard instrument with 24, or many more, keys per octave. Notoriously hard to play, such instruments made subtle and challenging music, with notes a conventional score could not include. Waldrep's sometimes bewildering, often exciting prose poems make their own unconventional music, replete with slippages, repetitions, suggestions….”


Come and get 'em.

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