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Matthew Gavin Frank reads from the beginning of Pot Farm, forthcoming 2012 from the University of Nebraska Press. Pot Farm is his “hazy and sometimes inaccurate nonfiction book about his work on a Northern California medical marijuana farm.”

Matthew Gavin Frank is also the author of Barolo (University of Nebraska Press), Warranty in Zulu (Barrow Street Press), The Morrow Plots (forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press/Dzanc Books), Sagittarius Agitprop (Black Lawrence Press/Dzanc Books), and the chapbooks “Four Hours to Mpumalanga” (Pudding House Publications), and “Aardvark” (West Town Press). Recent work appears in The New Republic, The Huffington Post, AGNI, North American Review, The Best Food Writing, The Best Travel Writing, Creative Nonfiction, Prairie Schooner, Hotel Amerika, Gastronomica, and others.

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If you’re at the conference, see Matt Frank today, Friday, Noon.-1:15 p.m, Hampton Ballroom, Omni Shoreham Hotel, East Lobby, F161, in the panel “Love at First Query: Agents and Authors Share Strategies for Falling in Literary Love.” Later today he’ll be signing Warranty in Zulu, at 3 at the Barrow Street bookfair table.

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