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Creative Nonfiction was the first and is still the largest literary magazine to publish, exclusively and on a regular basis, high quality nonfiction prose. The magazine has consistently featured prominent authors from the United States and around the world and has helped launch the careers of some of the genre's most exciting emerging writers, as well as helping establish the creative nonfiction genre as a worthy academic pursuit.

Here the staff of Creative Nonfiction offer an invaluable inside look at the background of the magazine, the fundamental differences between magazines and literary journals, genre, finding a niche, audience, and much more. With Editor Lee Gutkind, Managing Editor Hattie Fletcher, and Associate Editor Stephen Knezovich.

Click here to listen in.

If you’re at the conference, Creative Nonfiction will be at Table C32 in the Bookfair, with books, back issues, (Steelers fans’) black and gold Mardi Gras beads, and Terrible Towels to wave during Sunday's game. Stop by the table at 3:00 today, Friday, for a Steelers tailgate party with Pittsburgh Pretzels, B&L dip, Iron City beer and other local favorites.

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