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Sandra Beasley is the author of I Was the Jukebox, winner of the 2009 Barnard Women Poets Prize, selected by Joy Harjo and published by W. W. Norton. This podcast, “A Public Space,” is an audio essay by poet Dana Burchfield, on the occasion of reading Beasley’s book.

Sandra Beasley’s debut collection, Theories of Falling, was selected by Marie Howe as the winner of the 2007 New Issues Poetry Prize (New Issues Poetry and Prose, 2008). Beasley is also an essayist whose work has been featured in the Washington Post Magazine, and her nonfiction book, Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl: Tales from an Allergic Life, is forthcoming from Crown. (See this beautiful little clip.) When Sandra had gotten the contract for Birthday Girl, she did a guest post here on quitting her day job and living the dream.)

Dana Burchfield got her MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Center: A Journal of the Literary Arts, Crab Orchard Review, cream city review, The Journal, and Marginalia, where she was winner of the 2008 Marginalia College Contest. She has served on the editorial staffs of Quick Fiction and Ninth Letter, and she was interim editor for Hunger Mountain. She lives in Vermont.

Click here to listen to “A Public Space.”

If you’re at the conference, see Sandra Beasley tomorrow morning, Friday, 9-10:15 a.m., Diplomat Ballroom, Omni Shoreham Hotel, West Lobby, F117A, in the “Potomac Review Celebrates Best of 50.” Or catch her off-site, Friday night, at the Copper Nickel Issue 15 Release Reading at the Black Cat, 1811 14th St NW, 7 p.m.

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