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Every so often my wise and worldly readers save me from myself.

Yesterday’s post was a plea to lawmakers to expand the ADA to include immunocompromised status among the disabilities that could justify accommodations. Without it, I argued, individual HR departments are put in a no-win situation.

Several wise and worldly readers, especially Joshua Eyler, pointed out that lawmakers already did that in the amendments of 2008.

I’m actually glad to be wrong on this one.

As the FAQ page to the amendments of 2008 notes, the amendments expand the category of “major life activities” to include “major bodily functions,” among which is listed “functions of the immune system.”

I stand corrected.

I owe my readers a debt of gratitude. Not only did you point out my mistake, but you did so without resorting to the fire-breathing tactics that so often follow when someone is wrong on the internet.

Best. Readers. Ever.

And yes, I will make a point of checking more closely before my next critique.

Thank you.

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