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How is it that it’s already mid-November?

I’ve got a busy two weeks coming up.  This week marks the beginning of the Co-Learning unit of the Connected Courses online project. Like many things, I signed up for the whole thing, but time got away from me. However, co-learning is something near and dear to my heart, so I got in touch with Mia Zamora (whom I met at DHSI) and said, what can I do?

What I can do is co-host a collaborative Twitter chat with members of the #FYCchat community around co-learning on Wednesday November 12, at 9pm Eastern. I have been terribly derelict in my chat hosting duties, but this is going to be a kick-off to a renewed dedication to the Twitter chat I helped start and have been nurturing all these years. You can take the writing teacher out of the classroom, but you can’t keep the co-learner down.

Wait, what? 

Then, on November 17th at 8pm Eastern, I’ll be doing a live google hangout around co-learning. I’m really excited to be doing this, particularly because Harold Rheingold and Alec Couros will be involved, two people I have long admired from afar (and followed on Twitter). So if you want to hear what I sound like, now is your chance.

Unless, of course, you happen to be in the Cincinnati area on November 17th and 18th. I have been invited by the University of Cincinnati Libraries to come and give a number of talks around the topic of Digital Humanities. You can see the whole program here and I’m really excited about it. Anytime I get invited to talk (TALKING!) I get really psyched, but the opportunity to talk to faculty and graduate student about DH and Digital Pedagogy, well, it’s this academic’s dream come true.

Except for actually having to prepare four separate talks/presentations. Details.

And then, I get back to Lexington and immediately offer up a workshop to University of Kentucky graduate students on Alt-Ac career paths. As someone who has successfully made the transition (knock wood) into an alt-ac position, I really feel passionately about making this kind of career path more visible and more manageable.

Maybe deciding to do a MOOC and participate in Digital Writing Month during the month of November wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Hope to see some of you during these events! I promise to be more coherent.