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When the Call to Action blog launched last year, I stated our desire to hear from our colleagues and those with insights on, or criticism of, marketing and communications in higher education. That still stands.

Kristine, Michael, Mallory and I view Call to Action as our industry’s blog and welcome submissions—we want to hear from you in the comments section that follows each entry and encourage you to submit a piece for possible inclusion on this blog.

In general, we post pieces that are at least 500 words in length and share an opinion or insight. Our goal is to facilitate conversations while balancing the number of post from campus practitioners and consultants as well as the mix of marketing and communications-focused pieces. We provide feedback to each contributor, and provide suggestions for placement if we aren’t the right fit for your idea.

Feel free to contact us with your thoughts on the topics you would like covered and pitch us your ideas.  

And most importantly, thank you for reading our posts.