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Ultimatums and Deals for Some Remaining Protesters

Student demonstrations may be dwindling, but they haven’t disappeared. Campus leaders continue to respond to the encampments using a range of approaches.

Connecticut Lawmakers Put Final COVID Funds Toward Higher Ed

Governor is expected to sign the bill allowing state institutions to plug budget deficits with dwindling federal aid, a move some see as savvy and others as irresponsible.

Characterizing Pro-Palestinian Protesters as Antisemitic Is a ‘Dangerous Conflation’

Khaled Beydoun, a scholar of the First Amendment and Muslim identity, discusses free speech rights on campus and argues that Islamophobia and antisemitism have shared roots. 

Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism: Philosophically Different, Politically the Same

Benjamin Ginsberg, a scholar of American politics, Jewish history and higher education policy, explores recent campus protests and the “endlessly debated” line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism.