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Elisabeth Kimmel leaves court in 2019.

The Boston Globe / Getty Images

Another parent has admitted guilt in the admissions scandal. Elisabeth Kimmel admitted that she paid Rick Singer and others $275,000 to facilitate her daughter's admission to Georgetown University by having Georgetown tennis coach Gordon Ernst allocate a tennis admission slot to her daughter, even though she was not a competitive tennis player and was not actually being recruited to play. Kimmel also paid Singer and others $250,000 to facilitate her son's admission to the University of Southern California as a pole vault recruit, even though he was not a pole vaulter.

She will plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud

According to a plea agreement, Kimmel will receive a sentence of six weeks in prison and two years of supervised release, with the first year spent in home confinement. Should the court accept the plea, Kimmel will also be required to pay a $250,000 fine and perform 500 hours of community service.

Kimmel will be the 32nd parent to plead guilty in the scandal.


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